My Story of Hope 2


Ladies – do not ignore your health! When it is time, get that mammogram!

For years, I had not been faithful about mammograms, even though my mom had breast cancer. She was a survivor (more than 30 years) and it had lost some of its “urgency” for me. However, a friend had been recently diagnosed with cancer. She was younger than I was, and handled it with such grace and brutal honesty. She started a Caring Bridge site and chronicled her experience with humor in the face of it all. It made me start thinking that I should be responsible and take better care of myself.


So, I skipped into the breast center on a Saturday in March of 2019. When offered a 3D mammogram, I said “Sure!” I left that day and went about my merry way. The next Monday, I received a call to come back in for further pictures. Several mammograms and four biopsies later, I was told that I have breast cancer. We caught it really early. YAY! But my message here is … they only saw it because I had the 3D mammogram. It was that early.


So, if you are offered a 3D, take it! If it is not offered, ask about it!


I met with my surgeon in April and then had a partial mastectomy on May 1st. They were able to get it all with clean margins. After surgery, I went to the radiation oncologist and did three weeks of daily radiation. The care and concern shown by all my doctors, nurses and technicians was beyond anything I could have wished for. They take a personal interest in you, your health and your well-being.

At this point, I am cancer free! My cancer was hormone positive but due to other health issues, I am not taking any of the inhibitors. We will just keep a closer eye on everything. Most importantly --- I have thanked my friend, more than once, for sharing her story and her journey. There is no telling how long I might have waited to get my mammogram. She literally saved my life!

Anote Afeno

I’m a multidisciplinary design strategist. I creatively bring people and design closer together.

My Pink Ribbon


My Story of Hope