Socially Speaking:

Books by Tina DeSalvo

Recipes from the Readers’ Kitchens

Meals with Family and Friends fill our tummies with nourishment and our hearts with wonderful memories. Read on to learn about Tina’s new feature – Recipes from the Readers’ Kitchens.

Stories of Hope

Hope lives all around us. Be inspired by Stories of Hope from the warriors, survivors, and care givers…


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CLUBtd is for Members only. Not yet a member? Tina wants you to be! It’s easy.  Sign up here and a Secret Password will be emailed to you to unlock Bonus Content, special recipes, extra Giveaways, and more!

Socially Speaking…

Join the fun as I share my top social media Hashtags that I love. Engage with me and discover a world of excitement through these connections!





#PetPost #FurBabyWednesday






Lori Foster RV Interview

Join the conversation on Tina’s Instagram!

CLUBtd Vibes

Insight into Tina DeSalvo’s Book Creation

Now, I’m going to break things down further and share with you the honest, weird, eccentric truth without fear of you judging me harshly. (Please, don’t Judge, y’all!)


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