Self Care

I am so sorry.

My heart is filled with worry and hope for you...and our families, friends, community, nation and world as we face the resulting difficulties from the COVID19 virus.

How are you?

I’m am fine and keeping busy (writing and reading!) as I adapt to the necessary changes Gratitude for my life, having you in it, keeps me grounded. Thank YOU for that.

I sincerely am confident that we will figure this all out and succeed in dealing with whatever challenges come our way. We just need to be aware, smart, calm, courageous, attentive and hopeful. From your emails, notes, social media posts I now you are!

You’ve got this!

We’ve got this!

Stay in touch. Let’s lift each other up and keep reminding each other of the good around us. The truth is, there is much more good than bad!


FACT: 70,000 plus people have recovered from COVID19


...And, WASH YOUR HANDS...often and correctly!

Stay healthy and happy!


*Book Lovers Con
Convention postponed due to the Coronavirus Outbreak. We’ll let you know when it is rescheduled.

Anote Afeno

I’m a multidisciplinary design strategist. I creatively bring people and design closer together.

Recipes From The Readers’ Kitchens


Do you have a Happy Place?